涵盖17个学科领域:计算机与电气系统;药理学、生物学与医学;化学与材料;电子、测量与绘图;数学、物理和核研究;地球科学与环境;力学和机械;经济与管理;人文与社会科学;建筑与土木工程;农业与食品;天文学、航空和航天;教育与心理学;交通与运输;矿产、安全与能源;渔业、林业和水力学;纺织科学,其中大多数期刊可送交Scopus,CNKI,Google Scholar,CPCI(原ISTP),CrossRef,Harvard Library E-Journals,Academic Journals Database,Academic Keys,DOAJ,Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI),Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace, AiritiLibrary等数据库收录。
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农业与食品科学 | 建筑与土木工程 | 天文学、航空航天 | 化学与材料 |
计算机与电气 | 经济与管理 | 教育与心理学 | 电子、测量和绘图 |
渔业、林业和水力学 | 地球科学与环境 | 人文社会科学 | 数学、物理与核 |
力学与机械 | 矿产、安全与能源 | 药理学、生物学和医学 | 纺织科学 |
交通运输 |
·Advances in Food Science and Human Nutrition
·Agricultural Mechanization, Electrification and Automation
·Botany and Zoology Frontiers
·Focus on Plant Protection
·Food Chemistry, Processing, and Storage
·Journal of Modern Crop Science
·Journal of Privacy, Trust and Security
·Journal of Radio and Wireless
·Plant Nutrition & Soil Science International
·Water-Soil, Biological Environment and Energy
·Advances in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
·Bridge and Structural Engineering
·Computer Aided Architecture Design
·Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
·Indoor Air Quality and Climate
·Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
·Journal of Disaster Prevention and Reduction
·Journal of Municipal Engineering
·Landscape and Urban Horticulture
·Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
·Aerospace and Electronics
·Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics
·Astrophysics International
·Guidance, Navigation and Control
·Information Fusion, Control and Decision
·Journal of Control, Measurement & Instrumentation
·Journal of System Reliability, Maintainability and Safety
·Transactions on Aeronautics and Astronautics
·Advances in Fuel Cell
·Advances in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
·Analytical Chemistry: A Journal
·Casting, Welding and Solidification
·Ceramic and Glass Technology
·Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
·Composites and Nano Engineering
·Corrosion and Wear of Materials
·Diamond and Carbon Materials
·Fluids, Heat and Mass Transfer
·Forging and Forming
·High Performance Structures and Materials
·Inorganic Chemistry: A Journal
·International Journal of Geochemistry
·Journal of Biomaterials and Biomechanics
·Journal of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
·Journal of Materials, Processing and Design
·Metallic foams
·Modern Physical Chemistry Research
·Organic Chemistry: A Journal
·Plasticity Frontiers
·Progress in Materials Chemistry and Physics
·Rheology Letters
·Smart Structures, Materials and Systems
·Transactions on Industrial Catalysis
·Transactions on Metals and Alloys
·Trends in Biochemical Engineering
·Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems
·Automation and Machine Learning
·Big Data Analysis and Cloud Computing
·Cloud and Service-Oriented Computing
·Collaborative and Social Computing
·Computing, Performance and Communication Systems
·Crypto and Information Security
·Data and Knowledge Engineering
·Electrical Insulation and Dielectrics
·File and Storage Technologies
·Frontiers in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
·Frontiers in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
·International Journal of Computer and Communications Security
·International Journal of Network and Communication Technology
·Internet of Things (IoT) and Engineering Applications
·Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice
·Journal of Cluster and Grid Computing
·Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing
·Journal of Communication, Control and Computing
·Journal of Computer Architecture and Design
·Journal of Database Systems
·Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management
·Journal of High-Voltage
·Journal of Image Processing Theory and Applications
·Journal of Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
·Journal of Multimedia Techniques
·Journal of Network Computing and Applications
·Journal of Networking, Architecture and Storage
·Journal of Neural Information Processing
·Journal of Parallel and Distributed Processing
·Journal of Software Engineering and Metrics
·Journal of Ubiquitous and Future Networks
·Journal of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence
·Journal of Web Systems and Applications
·Journal of Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks
·Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Letters
·Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning
·Lecture Notes on Wireless Networks and Communications
·Mobile Computing and Networking
·Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition
·Optical Network Design and Modeling
·Power Systems Computation
·Programming Languages and Operating Systems
·Review of Information Display Techniques
·Vehicle Power and Propulsion
·Visual Communications and Image Processing
·Visualization Techniques
·Accounting and Corporate Management
·Accounting, Auditing and Finance
·Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management
·Financial Engineering and Risk Management
·Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management
·Information Systems and Economics
·Information, Library and Archival Science
·Journal of Computational and Financial Econometrics
·Journal of Human Resource Development
·Journal of Systems Analysis and Integration
·Land Resource Management
·Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
·Population, Resources & Environmental Economics
·Social Medicine and Health Management
·Social Security and Administration Management
·Statistics & Quantitative Economics
·Tourism Management and Technology Economy
·Adult and Higher Education
·Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology
·Advances in Vocational and Technical Education
·Applied & Educational Psychology
·Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
·Transactions on Comparative Education
·Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
·Antennas and Propagation
·Detection Technology and Automation Equipment
·Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
·Information Retrieval, Systems and Services
·Information Systems and Signal Processing Journal
·Infrared and Millimeter Wave
·Intelligent Robots and Systems
·International Journal of Surveying and Mapping
·Journal of Avionics, Radar and Sonar
·Journal of Biometrics, Identity and Security
·Journal of Electro Optics and Lasers
·Journal of Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility
·Journal of Electronics and Information Science
·Journal of Image, Video and Signals
·Journal of Integrated Circuits Design and Test
·Journal of Low Power Electronics and Design
·Journal of Microwave and Terahertz Engineering
·Journal of Power Electronics, Machines and Drives
·Journal of Ultrasonics
·Optical Communications
·Optical Fiber Sensor and Communication
·Solid-State Circuits and Systems-on-a-Chip
·Transactions on Real-Time and Embedded Systems
·Advances in Hydraulic Engineering
·Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources
·Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics
·Transactions on Forestry
·Advances in Physical Oceanography
·Big Geospatial Data and Data Science
·Biology, Chemistry, and Geology in Marine
·Environment and Climate Protection
·Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal
·Geodesy and Geophysics
·Geoscience and Remote Sensing
·International Journal of Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
·International Journal of Polar Social Research and Review
·Journal of Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment
·Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
·Journal of Coastal Engineering Research
·Journal of Membrane Technology
·Journal of Sedimentary Geology
·Journal of Structural and Quaternary Geology
·Journal of Sustainable Development and Green Buildings
·Offshore and Polar Engineering
·Physical and Human Geography
·Solid Earth and Space Physics
·Toxicology and Health of Environment
·Trends in Meteorology
·Advances in Broadcasting
·Art and Performance Letters
·Computational Linguistics Letters
·Information and Knowledge Management
·Journal of Human Movement Science
·Journal of Language Testing & Assessment
·Journal of Political Science Research
·Journal of Sociology and Ethnology
·Lecture Notes on History
·Lecture Notes on Language and Literature
·Media and Communication Research
·Military and Armament Science
·Philosophy Journal
·Science of Law Journal
·Acoustics, Optics and Radio Physics
·Combinatorics and Graph Theory
·Complex Analysis and Geometry
·Computational Fluid Dynamics
·Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
·Journal of Compressors and Refrigeration
·Journal of Nonlinear Science and Complexity
·Journal of Photonics Research
·Journal of Physics Through Computation
·Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
·Journal of Theoretical Physics Frontiers
·Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control
·Nuclear Techniques and Applications
·Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing
·Operational Research and Cybernetics
·Progress in Atomic and Molecular Physics
·Progress in Plasma Physics
·Research and Practice of Mathematics & Statistics
·Transactions on Computational and Applied Mathematics
·Transactions on Condensed Matter Physics
·Transactions on Particle and Nuclear Physics
·Chemical Process Equipment
·Cybernetics and Mechatronics
·Digital Manufacturing and Process Management
·Engineering and Solid Mechanics
·Fluid and Power Machinery
·Fracture and Damage Mechanics
·Frontiers in Tribology
·Fuels and Combustion
·International Journal of Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
·Journal of Assembly and Manufacturing
·Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery
·Journal of Precision Instrument and Machinery
·Journal of Robotics and Biomimetics
·Mechanical Vibration and Noise
·Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
·Thermal Power Engineering
·Ultra-Precision Machining Process
·Vacuum Science Journal
·Energy Conversion Research
·Frontiers in Power and Energy Systems
·International Journal of Oil and Gas Science and Engineering
·Journal of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
·Journal of Mining Engineering and Safety Technology
·Smart Systems and Green Energy
·Academic Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
·Advances in Immunology and Vaccines
·Advances in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
·Advances in Physiology and Pathophysiology
·Bacterial Genetics and Ecology
·Bacteriology and Microbiology
·Cardiology and Vascular System
·Digestive Disease and Diabetes
·Frontiers of Obstetrics and Gynecology
·Hematology and Stem Cell
·Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary
·Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
·Journal of Biophysics and Ecology
·Journal of Enzyme Engineering
·Journal of Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Engineering
·Journal of Neurobiology and Genetics
·Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Contraception
·Journal of Respiratory and Lung Disease
·Journal of Vision and Ophthalmology
·Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
·MEDS Basic Medicine
·MEDS Chinese Medicine
·MEDS Clinical Medicine
·MEDS Public Health and Preventive Medicine
·MEDS Stomatology
·Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
·Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
·Pediatrics and Child Health
·Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology
·Transactions on Cancer
·Transactions on Cell and Developmental Biology
·Light Industry Technology and Engineering
·Textiles and Clothing Design
·Frontiers in Traffic and Transportation Engineering
·Journal of Connected Vehicles
·Journal of Vehicle and Intelligent Transport System
·Prognostics, Diagnostics and Health Management
·Urban Transport Systems
·Vehicular Electronics and Safety